September 30, 2023
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Academy of Criminal Justice welcomed distinguished representatives from various law enforcement agencies to engage with students in ...

September 29, 2023
The STEM Academy hosted a panel focused on promoting diversity and inclusivity within the STEM fields. This event aimed to inspire individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue c...

September 1, 2023
STEM teacher Emily Bohn has been selected as one of the esteemed educators to partake in C-SPAN’s prestigious 2023 Teacher Fellowship program. This notable achievement underscores...

August 31, 2023
PCTVS has achieved national recognition as a 2022-23 Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Distinguished District for providing broad access to transformative learning experiences to studen...
August 9, 2023
PCTVS proudly ushers in the 2023-2024 school year with great excitement as we welcome the largest freshman class in our history. Alongside our record-breaking number of incoming s...

May 30, 2023
Becomes one of just two centers in the nation. Passaic County Technical Vocational Schools (PCTVS), an esteemed educational institution, proudly announces its distinction as a NA...