Performing Arts Club
Our mission is to engage the PCTI student population in meaningful exploration of theater onstage and backstage while producing quality pieces of art.
Respect, trust, and equality for all are the tenets of this group.
Please note that students must have a valid permission slip to attend. Membership may be revoked after 3 unexcused absences for meetings and/or rehearsals.
The fall play is performed in October and/or November, and it is traditionally a non-musical one-act production.
The spring musical is performed in late March or early April (scheduling dependent upon holidays and spring break). Casting of both shows are open to all PCTI students.
Click here to join Performing Arts on Canvas!
The elected officers call formal meetings a minimum of three times a year. These three meetings are the September Membership Drive, the December Spring Musical meeting, and the April end-of-year election. The officers and advisors shall (at least) meet monthly.
Advisor (Director)
(Asst.)Advisor (Director)
Advisor (Choreographer)
Advisor (Choreographer)