Academy of Finance
Bank On Economic Knowledge
PCTI’s Academy of Finance shines a spotlight on money management and provides students with a thorough understanding of finance principles. Areas of studies include Accounting, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Business Ethics, and Market Analysis and Research.
This program utilizes Bloomberg Terminals® in the classroom. This allows teachers to bring the real world of finance into the classroom and provides students with the platform used by the world’s leading banks and corporations to enhance their academic studies across a wide range of disciplines.
Additionally, PCTI enjoys an award-winning partnership with Columbia Bank, which encompasses a full-service banking branch and “living classroom” right here on campus! Students are interviewed and selected to work at the bank during their junior and senior year studies.
PCTI’s Academy of Finance has been named a W!se Financial Literacy Blue Star School and has earned top honors in the nation! Those who successfully complete this program receive the nationally recognized W!se Financial Literacy Certification. Furthermore, AOF students have the opportunity to receive college credit through an affiliation with Berkeley College.
Students expand their knowledge of day-to-day fiscal responsibilities with the help of highly trained instructors and the production of culminating projects. With the opportunity to join Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Consumer Bowl, Federal Reserve Bank of New York High School Fed Challenge, Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge®, and SIFMA Foundation Capitol Hill Challenge, participating students compete in challenging local, regional, national, and global events.
The comprehensive and challenging learning environment provided by the Academy of Finance ensures students understand the most important financial concepts in our evolving world.
Career Pathways
Actuarial Science
Consumer Law
Corporate Finance
Financial Planning/Consulting
Forensic Accounting
Government Services
International Finance
Personal Finance
Real Estate
First in New Jersey
As an outgrowth of the Academy of Finance, PCTI partnered with Columbia Bank and opened a full-service bank branch – “and living classroom” – on campus! Columbia Bank provides training to students who work alongside the branch manager.
Working with Advanced Technical Systems
All AOF students are exposed to the Bloomberg Finance Lab® which helps them build the skills needed for a career in finance. Bloomberg Terminals® enhances class curricula, and better positions PCTI as a leader in academic space.
Learning Through Competition
Academy of Finance students compete globally, nationally, and at the state and local level in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), Consumer Bowl, Federal Reserve Bank of New York High School Fed Challenge, Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge®, and SIFMA Foundation Capitol Hill Challenge. Students also have the opportunity to compete for a variety of scholarships available only to AOF students.
Faculty Expertise
AOF faculty members are fully certified with years of experience in business and finance. Collectively they bring a multitude of knowledge and experience to the classroom and often invite distinguished guests.
Licensure Opportunities
Students who successfully complete the AOF program receive a nationally recognized Wise Financial Literacy Certificate. Bloomberg Finance Fundaments (BFF) certification introduces the key concepts involved in finance and investment. Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) certification provides an interactive introduction to the financial markets using the power of the Terminal. The Bloomberg Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Course teaches learners how to implement ESG strategies and prepare ESG reports for regulators from the perspective of a buy-side asset management firm.
“College Connection Program” Earning College Credits in High School
Want to earn college credits before graduating high school? At PCTI you have the opportunity to do just that! Nearly 2 dozen college courses—some specific to career majors and others open to all PCTI students—are offered in affiliations with area colleges and universities! All AOF students have the opportunity to earn up to 36 college credits during their junior and senior years through Berkeley College.
College Affiliations
Some of PCTI’s higher education affiliates include: William Paterson University, Seton Hall University, Drexel University, UMDNJ (University of Medicine & Dentistry New Jersey), Berkeley College, Passaic County Community College, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Rochester Institute of Technology, FDU and Hudson County Community College.
Organizational Affiliations
Students participate as members of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America).
School to Careers Experience
PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate. . . and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.
Awards and Honors
Ranked 1st in the Nation in the WISE Financial Literacy Certification Program!
AOF students...Multiple 1st place Consumer Bowl County & Regional titles / NJ Department of Consumer Affairs Department of Consumer Affairs
Published in Federal Reserve Bank of New York Journal of Future Economists; Economics of Work
Globally ranked top 100 in Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge®