National History Club

Members of the National History Club will participate in various history-related activities, such as National History Day, field trips to historic and educational locations, in order to strengthen their foundational understanding of History and its impact on world events. History Club looks to increase awareness of how history impacts us as individuals and how we can become active citizens in a global world. The goals of History Club include providing students with various opportunities to interact with the community, students will gain leadership and organizational skills from holding office positions within the club. Members will participate in school sanctioned activities such as Club Day, Charity Day, etc. spreading awareness of history, and how they can become informed citizens as they contribute positively to society.

The mission and purpose of this organization is to promote a deeper understanding of history; demonstrate its relevance to events of modern times; as well as helps change attitudes and misconceptions about history.


Click here to apply for membership!


Meeting Days will be posted at the beginning of the year, locations will be posted as well at that time. Additional meetings may be added dependent on participation in contents such as National History Day on an as needed basis.