Marching Band / Color Guard
PCTVS offers all students the opportunity to be involved with Marching Band. Any student that plays an instrument is eligible to join the group. Marching Band is an extracurricular activity at PCTI. All band rehearsals are held after school.
The PCTI Marching Band is active in the school and in the community. The Marching Band performs at all home and away football games, pep rallies, spirit days, local parades and Marching Band competitions. For a list of performances that have recently taken place please visit the band’s website PCTI Bands.
Click here to join the Color Guard on Canvas!
Connect with Us
Twitter: @pctibands
Instagram: @pctibands
Rehearsals take place in the fall on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3pm-6pm in the Band Room (H-16).