Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute (LMTI)
The TI@ti peer leader, as an aspiring influential student at PCTI, will make a commitment to live a life of healthy choices, give back to the school community that has invested in him/her, and will demonstrate loyalty, as well as respect to the group and its fellow members. Students are nominated by a faculty member and must go through a selection process which includes a written response and interview. In order to be integrated into TI@ti, students must attend a mandatory, week-long Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute summer leadership conference in August.
Our mission is:
To teach our PCTVS peers and others in our community that one CAN and SHOULD live a happy, healthy, carefree lifestyle without the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
To be leaders in our community by spreading positive messages about mental health, substance-free lifestyles, and the benefits of natural highs and taking positive risks.
Organization Activities
Bimonthly meetings on Tuesdays (or selected TI@ti meeting day)
Multiple community service opportunities
Committee action plans to spread messages of mental health awareness and anti-substance abuse
Development of communication skills while working in committees to collaborate in school-wide activities that promote the TI@ti mission
Do you know that...
We are like a family that will always be there for each other, whether the issue is school-related or not.
Living a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult if you surround yourself with like-minded individuals that want to bring you up, not tear you down.
You are lovable and capable! Remember one of our mantras, IALAC (I Am Lovable and Capable).
You will get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
You are not alone, your TI Ohana will be here for you always, whether it be in school or out.
Member Snapshots
Being a member of TI@ti, we are naturally high by taking positive risks—challenges that lift ourselves up through self-improvement without the use of substances.
"I’VE LOVED IT. It has really introduced me to great people and new challenges, and it has ultimately made my high school experience 10x better."
"TI@ti has been the most uplifting and most spiritual experience I’ve ever had. This club has not only shown me compassion, love, and a sense of family, but has shown me how to better myself as a person and leader."
"Being a part of TI@ti has helped me gain the confidence needed to involve myself in things I’m passionate in. I’ve learned that if you want to see change, you have to manifest it yourself."
"My experience in TI@ti has been one of my biggest highlights in high school. It allowed me to open up to others, become a stronger leader and become a part of a life-long family."
"TI taught me how to build trust and strength in relationships, and that to be a positive and guiding influence to others I have to start within myself but not by myself."
"My experience in TI@ti has been truly eye opening. I’ve not only gained leadership skills and confidence, but friends that feel like family along the way."
"TI@ti is such a great family of peer leaders to be a part of at PCTI! We do a lot of fun and dynamic things around the school, too!"
"It was an experience unlike any other that allowed me to grow into the individual I am today whilst being proud of the influence I have on others! ☺"
Official Website