Future Business Leaders of America

FBLA is the high school division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs. FBLA members also demonstrate their leadership skills through community service projects, fundraising activities, and chapter officer positions. FBLA’s National Awards Program, also called competitive events (View FBLA), give your students the opportunity to compete against the best-of-the-best in over 60 academic events that cover technology, public speaking, business, finance, management, and more.

Here at PCTI, we have over 200 students participate in this club. Last year, PCTI received "Largest State Chapter" award. We are very proud to say that our students have been state winners and have advanced to the national level. Other than competitions they get involved in Breakfast with Santa, fundraising activities, community service, and Junior achievement.

FBLA members can run for eight officer positions as long as they maintain a 3.0 GPA and have a clean discipline record.





  • Membership Meeting

  • Fall Stock Market Game Begins


Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month in D-204.

Nabila Berrada


Email Nabila Berrada

Anjali Wahi


Email Anjali Wahi