Child Find


Federal and State Laws/Regulations require school districts to identify students between the ages of three (3) and twenty-one (21) who may need special education and/or related services.

If you think your child may have an educational disability due to physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive or social difficulties and may need special education and/or related services you should contact the following:

  1. The Director of Student Personnel Services at (973) 389-4236 if your child attends PCTVS.

  2. The Director of Special Education/Services of your resident district if your child attends a district other than PCTVS. You may also contact the Assistant Principal at PCTVS for further information relating to this procedure.

  3. Homeless students and their families, or students who are currently under the jurisdiction of a court will be appointed a surrogate parent if necessary to ensure that they are identified, evaluated and provided services should they require them.